HERE is me Tinger all grown up and My beans Baby and the BOSS of my bestis friend SQUEK

DID i not turn out beautiful i have my one room

I have a job I print out COUPONS for my bean

I make out the list fur Stinky goodnes on my Putter

Now it is time fur my nepy
Oh, you are adorable. Are you a tortie?
Goodness Tinker you are all grown up. Time sure does fly by. Squek is sure growing up too. You have a very important job printing out coupons for your bean and it looks like you are very good at it. Keep up the good work.
These are all such adorable photos. We love that you help out the beans with printing out the coupons for your treats. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
World of Animals
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