TO day is one year since my BOSSY got out side and got kild he was just 3-1/2 yers old and i told my self on this day i was going to sey my last good bye to him here on this blog And olso thank you all for being here for me and to the ladys how lost theyr babys last year KIM & KAT thank you you god bless u all iam so lucky to have all of u here MY BEAUTIFU CAT FAMILY Wher did the year go?I dont know y did the pain from loosing you not go the same way as 2008 did I was lucky to have you and Steppa and you left behind 4 Beautiful furbabys for me to love and all of them have so much of u in them BOSSI i want you to go to the Bridge and dont worry about us we will make it Samtimes i call your son JR MAN bye your name and they all look at me so i know they do not forget Riquel did tell me u ar still in my old house and herd you and seen you befor she gat her cats over to it Yes i knew u are still here Hubby finely told me he seen you So here is my last words to you my Bossy got to the bridge and i will see u one day GO ON BABY NO i will newer let your babys or steppa out to play the wuffy Lily wont let them go far she goes and gets them I love and miss u my ROTTU BOY RIP we love u

MOM DAD Steppa Shmoo Mus JR.Man & TT hang on to the EAGEL he will fly you to the Bridge Hang on tide LOVE U MOM