iam going to be big like this Lover Guy Her iam trying him and leting him know I will one day be the BOSS
Friday, August 7, 2009
homeless can you help
HI IAM LOST AND NOW ONE WANTS ME EXSEPT THISS OLD BEAN BUT HER HUBBY DONT WANT ME HEY SEY WE DONT HAVE NO MORE pet $$$$$$$ iam about 8-6wk weeks and i just showed up at the ladys house and no one knowes wher i came from i am not scard of wuffys or big furballs when they hiss and spit at me George is nice to me and Mus her pley wif me If u poke me i purr and i am werry good at it iam a lover girl in your face he he i love fefus and snuggel So can u give me a good home befor i get to old to go I use my BOX iam going to be a big girl wif long heair iam going to be big like Lover Guy George
i am going to be beautiful and unek
iam going to be big like this Lover Guy Her iam trying him and leting him know I will one day be the BOSS
iam going to be big like this Lover Guy Her iam trying him and leting him know I will one day be the BOSS
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Oh, you are a doll. What a beautiful girl. Bet you don't have any trouble finding a home.
Loa, let me know who it is that needs vet help and we'll get busy on it. OK!
Love & Purrs,
What a sweet sweet face. I pray she will find a forever home. Morning before yesterday I had to go to the human kitty litter room at 5 AM. I heard this meow, and it sounded like Cleo. I thought she shut herself in the bathroom, but it was wide open. I closed the sliding glass door just in time as she had a hissy and growling fit. On the deck there was this cat meowing. Well he/she went away. When I got up at 7 for breakfast the cat was meowing on the back steps. I looked out at this cute Grey and white cat and it was looking up at me. Yes, my heart melted but I couldn't do a thing as hubby would say "OUT and take your cats with you." I think one of the neighbors is feeding he/she and I have been praying someone here will give it a forever home.
Mine Mommie ML is getting a lots of grrreat stuff ready to aukshun to help your noo kitten! Hee hee, will you be surprized.
Let us know iffen you needs anything NOW, okay?
Love & Purrs,
pee ess: Uh-oh, Casper's Mom better watch out. Hee hee.
What a cute kitty. We don't think she'll have any trouble finding a home. Looks like she's already picked out one.
Awwwwwww......what a cutie!! We bet she finds a forever home fast!
Your FL furiends,
You are a beauty! Look so much like our Maggie May! Good luck finding a home, sweet one!
Love those Calicos!
Hello little one, it's nice to meet you. We see that you've picked out a home - a few of us kitties can help KC and ML and others to help you out, to make it easier at your new home,
Gypsy & Tasha
You are such a cutie...you'll have a new home in no time!
Loa - it's the Hubby who needs rehoming, you keep the sweet little cat ;)
Seriously, she's a doll. Hope you can find her a good home soon, or even better, keep her (she looks at home already!)
Whicky Wuudler
Awwwww what a cutie patootie! We don't fink yoo will have any trubbles findin a home yoo is adorable!
Oh my!!! What a sweetie you are :)
We hope you find a great home soon !
Who would not love a friendly little kitty like you? !!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Oh my!!! What a sweetie you are :)
We hope you find a great home soon !
Who would not love a friendly little kitty like you? !!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Finally, we got our site up and running to host some raffles for you.
Please check out our site!
btw, we like the name TRUFFLES!
You are a really cute kitty, little one. Hope you get to stay. How could ANYone resist your sweet face???
U r really cute. I likes your markins a lot.
I wished you could come play with me. I like to run and jump and watch birdy-birds
Oh, hee-hee.
i wuz using Momma's blog.Dis is Maddy
ooooohhhh, so cute! (the Lady has a webkinz just like that exact one) we think you've found a purrfect furever home right there. purrs!
aw what a sweetie, if you keep that up you may get to stay right where you are! we're sure you'll find a wonderful forever home soon. you're just darling AND you already know how to use the litterbox!
Oh by the way, the grey and white cat found a forever home next door to us.
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