Mamma Bean y am i at the rainbow y cand i fined no one here I did not mean to leave u all I just did something And we did not know it was going to hurt me I love eating and messing wif things I ate smacking called Rubber like the hard kind out of a TENNIS BALL the vet told you to day It hurt my Tummy rely rely bed it cut i Little hole in me and all the stuff came out and made me sick Mammy bean i love you don't miss me when you come to the Rainbow me and my daddy BOSSI will be her DON'T cry mammy But do tell all your bloger Friends About the RUBBER it is on your ALL HAND HELD Brushes CUT IT OF it will kill Wuffys kittys and baby's the vet told bean i ate it on Sunday sometime and it kilt me 12 hour later and i did not show my bean i was sick til 4 hours befor i went to the ranbow good bye to u all TT I hope u all can understand my spelling TT was trying to tell you all My vet told me i did everything right to try to save her but god nets her more LOA
Poor TT. Mama had a kitty that ate a rubber band once & he went to the Rainbow Bridge. She tries to keep stuff like that away from us, but sometimes it's not possible.
We are so sorry, it is a horrible thing, absolutely horrible, and Momma needs to re asses what is around the house.
We hope that other kitties read this and their mommas check things also.
warm hugs to you all :))
O, TT, we misses you so much, but are fankful you's can tell us what kilt you.
We will check around ours house, too, and hope effurryone will check them's house like Angel TT said to do.
Love & Purrs,
Oh we are so sorry...and I need to be more careful. I like to chew on things and now I know that I shouldn't. My mom tries to be careful, but I'm sneaky.
This makes us all so sad. We are purring for you.
Wow!! We are going to have to watch for rubber bands!! Thanks for sharing that with us Angel TT!
Your FL furiends,
Oh sweet TT, we are so sorry! We know humans are always careful - but accidents happen and it is bad.
But do not feel alone at the bridge - our Anastasia and Emil will find you and keep you company and be friends!!!!
TT, thank you for coming back to tell us and warn us about the nasty rubber danger. We will make our apes check our toys and the house today.
You won't be lonely at the Bridge TT, there will be so many friends there. We send you all (and your Mum) some more purrs and love.
We so sorry to hear about TT...and thank you TT for reminding us that we shouldn't chew things that can make us real sick...I chew on stuff and I know it makes my mom crazy...I'll try to do better now...
We are so sorry to hear this very sad news of TT. We are sending out comforting vibes to all of TT family and friends.
Thank you for the warning about rubber. We really need to be more careful in our house and will look around for those kinds of dangers.
Oh TT that is so sad. Thank you for letting all of the other kitties know how dangerous that can be.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Thank you for coming back to warn others about things that look harmless but can do harm. Hugs to you TT.
I'm sorry to heer that yoo went to The Bridge but fank yoo fur the warning. Purrs sent fur yore fambly who will miss yoo so much.
We are so sorry about TT. Rubber bands can be so dangerous to kitties and so can fuzzy hair bands. Our firned Rudy ate many bu tthe vet did an operation and got them out of him! we have to remember that things get stuck on our rough toungues and we swallow them without wanting to. Sending lots of purrs and paryers for TT and the family.
rubber and hard plastic are fery dangerous to us kittys. moms worrys abouts our little tt all the time. she says little ones thinks they is inbinsable. we is gonna keep purrayin and sending comfortin purrs fur miss loa and all tha kittys there.
We are so sorry about TT. No matter how hard you try to keep an eye on them, they can still manage to get into trouble. We send warm purrs.
Oh no! We're so sorry. And so very very sad. The Lady's gonna check all around and make sure to get rid of all the rubber stuff.
Love & purrs to your mommy from all of us.
We are so sorry for the loss of your beloved family member.
We are all so sorry ta hear about TT and what caused her ta go ofer the Bridge!
We are gonna send The Big Thing around the house looking fer dangerus stuff today.
Purrs to all the kitties an Beins...
Mum is always careful about rubber bands. If they are the the newsy paper mum makes sure she leaves them outside or puts them someplace where I can't get them.
bless you kind tiny heart...we are so sorry you had to go to the bridge because of this...please say hello to God and my special tiny friend Normie...he does not have a tail so you can spot him easy.
ALl my love Miss Peach
Such tragic noos, we are very sad and sorry. We send our purrs and love to TT, and the fambly.
Thanks TT for that warning! The PM is always making sure all elastic bands are away and I like to chew and play with things like that. We didn't know that went for handles too. She'll have to give everything the once over for sure now!!!
Purrs and hugs to you all and don't worry TT, there are lots of nice cats up there on the Bridge to be friends with.
Oh, my, I am so sorry that little TT went to the Bridge from chewing on rubber. Thank you for warning us all about it, TT.
Dear sweet TT. Thank you for coming back to warn us of the rubber danger!! We do not know why kitties like rubber,but we do. We will check around the house to make sure things are as safe as possible.
Do not worry about being alone. Our Moxie will find you and lots of friends already at the Bridge will find you too :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia and Tillie
oh, dear tt, we are furry sorry that you hadda leaf us an' yer fambly. we are all sad, but thankful that you aren't efur gonna be sick or hurt no more. thank you fur tellin' us about yer 'sperience -- surely more kitties' lifes will be saved by yer story.
we sends yer mom an' fambly hugs & nosekisses, an' reminds 'em all to remember the furry best of times wif you!!
ed, nitro, an' xingxing
p.s.--look for our dear nelson lapurr there at the bridge; he is old an' wise, an' will welcome you gladly.
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