Mamma Bean y am i at the rainbow y cand i fined no one here I did not mean to leave u all I just did something And we did not know it was going to hurt me I love eating and messing wif things I ate smacking called Rubber like the hard kind out of a TENNIS BALL the vet told you to day It hurt my Tummy rely rely bed it cut i Little hole in me and all the stuff came out and made me sick Mammy bean i love you don't miss me when you come to the Rainbow me and my daddy BOSSI will be her DON'T cry mammy But do tell all your bloger Friends About the RUBBER it is on your ALL HAND HELD Brushes CUT IT OF it will kill Wuffys kittys and baby's the vet told bean i ate it on Sunday sometime and it kilt me 12 hour later and i did not show my bean i was sick til 4 hours befor i went to the ranbow good bye to u all TT I hope u all can understand my spelling TT was trying to tell you all My vet told me i did everything right to try to save her but god nets her more LOA