Monday, August 18, 2008

Y do i have to take this

get of me U stink but MAMMY HELP MOM i am not doing nothing y ar u looking at me like this ??? u know i can hear u i wove u mammy WELL I JUST GO TELL MY AUNTY POO HER love me No i dont know wher J R MAN IS


Mickey's Musings said...

JR Man!!!!!!! You look like you are in a bad way!! Why is that Shmoo sitting on you? Heeheehee,sorry to laugh,but that is a funny picture :) I hope your Mom rescues you soon ;

Purrs Mickey

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

KC said...
hee hee, that is funny, and ta say you don't knows where JR man is an you's sitting on him.
Love and Purrs,

Sweet Purrfections said...

Thanks for the offer to help with the clean up after the house trashing party. Mom's flight doesn't get in until late tonight, so we should have it done by then. Please don't wait for the next party to come visit.

momsbusy said...

jr man yu need to get away quik!!!! yur mommee always says he is a little stinker. he mite have to poot and yu wood be in big trubble!


Mr. Hendrix said...

ha ha ha somebody is getting squished. that is a funny picture.

caspersmom said...

I sure wouldn't want anyone sitting on me like that either. I would bite their booty. Maybe you should have meowed a little louder for your Mom, so you could be rescued sooner.
